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Legislative Maps
Legislative maps are downloadable at no charge from the Legislature website (PDF format), but if you need paper copies we can print them for you.
Geographic Area:
  • Statewide Visit the Legislature site
  • By District Visit the Legislature site
    Prices: $30; $10 for each additional copy of the same map
    Sizes: 32" x 34" or 8.5" x 11"
    Shipping: Under $35 = $5; $36 to $99 = $7; $100 + =$10 (if you are local you can pick them up and save on shipping costs)
    Tax: 7.5% Florida sales tax (unless exempt - please include Tax ID)
    Payment Method: check only. An invoice will be included in your shipment.

    How to Order:
    1. Fax your requests to (850) 644-7360 or email to Fla_labins@hotmail.com. Be sure to include your contact information, geographic area (district number or statewide), type of map (House, Senate, Congress), map size (wall size or letter size). An invoice will be included in your shipment.
    2. Please allow one week for delivery. If you have a time requirement or want to pick up the maps from our office, please let us know.

      Florida Resources and Environmental Analysis Center
    Technical Assistance Program
    2200 University Center
    Florida State University
    Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2641
    Phone: (850) 644-2007, 644-2305
    Fax: (850) 644-7360
    Email: shodge@admin.fsu.edu